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Continuing Professional Development - FLIFLI

Continuing Professional Development


New training courses have been implemented within FLI in order to meet the needs of the scientific community, users and (imaging) facility staff.

Together with the scientific advisers from the FLI facilities, the INSTN coordinates the design, implementation and assessment of the following courses.



The Work Package Training of FLI provides students working in French laboratories with a financial support, should they wish to attend European training programmes.

Non-exhaustive list of eligible training programs:

  • TOPIM– Hot Topics in Molecular Imaging – Winter school of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (ESMI)
  • TOPIMTECH– Hot Topics in Imaging Technology – Summer workshop of the ESMI
  • INMiND– Imaging of Neuroinflammation in Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • ESMOFIR– Workshops of the European Society of Molecular and Functional Imaging in Radiology
  • EMIDS– European Molecular Imaging Doctoral School Network



The organizers and staff wishing to receive support from the Work Package Training are invited to contact us using the following forms : organizer’s form or participant’s form.

High-resolution small animal ultrasound imaging

Le Work Package Formation de FLI propose une nouvelle session de formation « High-resolution small animal ultrasound imaging » du 9 au 12 octobre 2018 à la plateforme d’échographie du petit animal…

Gate training: Monte Carlo simulation in medical physics

Le WorkPackage Formation de FLI propose une nouvelle formation entièrement en anglais et dédiée à l’utilisation du logiciel de simulation Monte Carlo GATE. Elle se déroulera du lundi 1er au…

Introduction à la métrologie pour l’imagerie in vivo

Le WorkPackage Formation de FLI propose une nouvelle formation intitulée « Introduction à la métrologie pour l’imagerie in vivo ». Elle se déroulera le jeudi 7 juin 2018 à l’INSTN,…

Formation Imagerie optique in vivo

Le Work Package Formation de FLI propose une formation « Imagerie optique in vivo – Quelles techniques pour quelles applications ? » du 22 au 24 mars 2017.   Les objectifs de…

High-resolution preclinical ultrasound imaging – session 2017

The 2017 FLI training session on High resolution preclinical ultrasound imaging will take place on March 14-17, 2017, in Paris. This training will be held in English or French, depending…

Inserm workshop “Small animal imaging”

This workshop aims to showcase the latest discoveries in the field of small animal imaging, and to delineate how they may be exploited in research projects. It covers imaging modalities…

ISMRM Workshop on MR Spectroscopy

Shortly after introduction of in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) also first localized in vivo magnetic resonance spectra (MRS) were acquired in the early 1980s. In vivo MRS has evolved…

ISMRM workshop on MR spectroscopy

ISMRM Workshop on MR Spectroscopy: From Current Best Practice to Latest Frontiers Lake Constance, Germany Overview Shortly after introduction of in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) also first localized in…

OPtical and UltraSound imaging – OPUS Innovative Multiphysic coupling for biomedical imaging

OPtical and UltraSound imaging – OPUS Innovative Multiphysic coupling for biomedical imaging CeLyA – OILTEBIA summer School, June 29 – June 30 – July 1, 2016 Université de Lyon, France…

Formation aux Bases Physiques de l’IRM – Bordeaux

Le Centre de Résonance Magnétique des Systèmes Biologiques (UMR5536) à Bordeaux propose, comme chaque année depuis 2000, un stage de formation aux Bases Physiques de l’IRM, du 6 au 10…

FreeSurfer 2016 Course

A FreeSurfer course will take place in Tours, May 26-27, 2016. FreeSurfer is an open source software suite for processing and analyzing (human) brain MRI images. This event is coorganized…

High-resolution preclinical ultrasound imaging – session 2016

The next FLI training session on High resolution small animal ultrasound imaging will take place on March 15-18, 2016, in Paris. This training will be held in English or French,…

2015 03 09 Formation MEG – principes, protocoles et analyse des données (Grenoble et Lyon)

Domaine : MEG, imagerie clinique, neurosciences Public : Chercheur, ingénieurs, cliniciens, ayant peu ou pas d’expérience en MEG, mais ayant un projet précis  à mettre en œuvre à court terme. Langue : français…

2014 06 19 EMBS International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging (Saint-Jacut de la Mer)

Domaine : imagerie biomédicale toutes modalités Public : étudiants en master et en thèse, post-docs, radiologues, biologistes, chercheurs et ingénieurs de l’industrie Langue : anglais Dates : bisannuel (19-27 juin 2014) Durée : 9 jours…

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