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OPtical and UltraSound imaging - OPUS Innovative Multiphysic coupling for biomedical imaging - FLIFLI

OPtical and UltraSound imaging – OPUS Innovative Multiphysic coupling for biomedical imaging

Formation date : Wednesday 29 June 2016

OPtical and UltraSound imaging – OPUS
Innovative Multiphysic coupling for biomedical imaging

CeLyA – OILTEBIA summer School, June 29 – June 30 – July 1, 2016
Université de Lyon, France

The aim of this summer school is to teach state-of-the-art multiphysic approaches mixing ultrasound and optics for biomedical imaging. The objective is to bring together doctoral students and researchers working in the fields of ultrasonic imaging and optical imaging and to address various forms of similarities, complementarities and coupling between the two communities. Shared physical principles, tools and applications will be addressed. Hybrid approaches will be presented, combining the advantages of each modality. Lectures on the coupling between light and sound will present innovative investigation means for biomedical applications. We hope to stimulate new ideas by gathering researchers from the two communities.

OPUS Summer School is open to PhD students, young researchers, or engineers with various backgrounds in optical and/or ultrasound imaging. In order to promote the discussions, the participants will have the opportunity to present their work in a poster session that will include a poster teaser presentation. All lectures will be given in English by renowned international researchers.

To enhance interactions between participants and invited speakers, the number of places available will be strictly limited.

Courses, lunches, coffee breaks and dinners are free of charge, mainly sponsored by Labex Celya Lyon University and FP7 ITN Project Oiltebia. All summer school events will take place at Valpré conference center. Preferential rates at Valpré hotel are available until may 13th 2016.


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