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Inserm workshop "Small animal imaging" - FLIFLI

Inserm workshop “Small animal imaging”

Formation date : Wednesday 5 October 2016

This workshop aims to showcase the latest discoveries in the field of small animal imaging, and to delineate
how they may be exploited in research projects. It covers imaging modalities of MRI, ultrasound, nuclear imaging,
and optical methods.


ORGANIZERS: Philippe GARTEISER (Inserm U1149, FRA), Bruno MONTCEL (CREATIS, Université Lyon 1, FRA),
Gilles RENAULT (Institut Cochin, FRA)

PHASE I – CRITICAL ASSESSMENT : October 05-07, 2016 in Bordeaux
PHASE II – TECHNICAL WORKSHOP : October, 2016 – Paris, Lyon

Dowload the workshop leaflet : Atelier Inserm 243

Find out more on the workshop website.


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