

Pr Isabelle BERRY, isabelle.berry@univ-tlse3.fr

Local administrative coordination 

Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3 et Université de Montpellier

Project manager

in progress


The FLI Occitan node is one of three nodes integrated into the infrastructure on June 1, 2020. The node includes five imaging platforms located in the cities of Toulouse and Montpellier, under the Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3 and the Université Montpellier umbrella, respectively.

The in vivo imaging equipment covers the main modalities available for preclinical and clinical research. The platforms are open to collaborations with academic or industrial partners.

For preclinical research, the in vivo imaging platforms are equipped with several optical imaging systems (2D bioluminescence, 2D fluorescence and RAMAN imaging) and a SPECT-TDM system on the Montpellier IPAM platform (https: //ircm.fr/index.php?pagendx=47 ). A 3T MRI device, two vertical coils at 9.4T and 7T as well as a PET-CT system complete the imaging offer for preclinical research at Montpellier (https://coulomb.umontpellier.fr/-Imagerie-RMN ). The imaging platforms located in Toulouse offer an access to PET-TDM, SPECT TDM, IRM 7T and ultra-fast ultrasound imaging equipment at CREFRE centre located on the Toulouse Oncopole site (https://www.iuct-oncopole.fr/le-crefre).

The equipment available for clinical research includes two dedicated 3T MRI and two PET-CT systems. One 3T MRI is installed at the Montpellier University Hospital (http://www.chu-montpellier.fr/fr/chercheurs/plateformes/les-plateformes-recherche/imagerie-fonctionnelle/), one is installed at Toulouse CHU Purpan site. In addition, Toulouse city offers an access to two PET CI systems, at the CHU Purpan (https://tonic.inserm.fr/nos-plateaux-techniques/irm/presentation/) and the Toulouse Oncopole sites.

Main expertise

The scientific expertise associated with preclinical in vivo imaging systems mainly focus on

  • non-invasive and longitudinal monitoring of cancer phenotype and disease progression, to test the long-term effect of new drugs and new therapeutic targets (IPAM platform),
  • Applications in agronomy and neuroscience (https://coulomb.umontpellier.fr/-Imagerie-RMN ), for which, the laboratory attached to the platform has developed strong expertise in NMR probes.
  • Methodology for infection imaging at CREFRE (Toulouse)
  • Imaging biomarkers in clinical areas such as parkinsonian syndromes, neuro-oncology, psychiatry


Imaging platforms and contact



Research laboratories associated to the platforms


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