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Open image data sets - FLIFLI

Open image data sets

Hydrops MRI data sets  

  • Imaging modalities : T1 and T2 mapping at 1.5T and 3T MRI

Ces données peuvent être téléchargées à des fins de recherche et d’enseignement. Données acquises chez des personnes. 


A Attye (2018). European Radiology

  • Contact / link  to access the data sets

These data can be downloaded for both research and/or educational purposes. Requests should be submitted via with the following indications: concerned study: “hydrops”; “my contact in Shanoir: “Arnaud Attye”; role in the study: “European Radiology.” 


BRAINOMICS morphology and functionnal MRI data base and the brainomic localizer 

  • Imaging modalities

Morphological and functionnal MRI as well as demographic data from volunteer research subjects acquired for the Brainomics project at CEA/NeuroSpin centre.

  • Publication
  1. Papadopoulos Orfanos, Y Schwartz, Ph Pinel, A Moreno, D Le Bilan, V Frouin, 2017. The Brainomics/Localiser database, NeuroImage, Vol 144, pp 309-314.

  • Contact / link  to access the data sets 


Cerebral mophological and connectivity data sets in the brain of synesthetes at 3T MRI 

  • Imaging modalities 

T1 / T2 and diffusion MRI data sets acquired on a 3T MRI scanner 

  • Publication

Dojat, M., Pizzagalli, F., Hupe, J.M., 2018. Magnetic resonance imaging does not reveal structural alterations in the brain of grapheme-color synesthetes. PLOS One 13, 1-21.

  • Contact / link  to download the data sets

The raw data sets can be made available to qualified researchers upon request. Requests should be submitted to the Shanoir group ( or with the following indications: Concerned Study: Sharing_SynesthesiaStructuralData; My Contact in Shanoir: Michel Dojat; Role in the Study: PlosOne.


Functional and diffusion MRI data sets for the study of inter individual difference in voice perception 

  • Imaging modalities  

Pre-processed functional and functional MRI data sets for (

  • Publication

V Aglieria, B Cagna, STakerkart, 2020. Single-trial fMRI activation maps measured during the InterTVA event-related voice localizer. A data set ready for inter-subject pattern analysis. )

  • Contact or link  to download the data sets


Multi centre brain T1/T2 MRI in rodents 

  • Imaging modalities  

 T1 and T2 7T MRI data sets 

  • Publication 

Deruelle et al. (2020). Front Neuroinformatics doi: 10.3389/fninf.2020.00022)

  • Contact or link  to download the data sets

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  • Spectral Photon Counting CT, CERMEP, Lyon

      Spectral Photon Counting CT European Project: SPCCT, a project that heralds a new generation of scanners  enabling early diagnosis…
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