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High-resolution preclinical ultrasound imaging - session 2016 - FLIFLI

High-resolution preclinical ultrasound imaging – session 2016

Formation date : mardi 15 mars 2016


The next FLI training session on High resolution small animal ultrasound imaging will take place on March 15-18, 2016, in Paris. This training will be held in English or French, depending on participants’ preference.

Registration is open until February 20th, 2016, but as each session can only host 9 participants, don’t hesitate to register early !


  • Understand the principles of ultrasound images acquisition and processing
  • Acquire ultrasound images autonomously
  • Analyse US data autonomously
  • Apply the concepts of US imaging to developmental biology, cardiology, hemodynamics, …
  • Get familiar with current technological evolutions

Biologists, from technician to researcher, in particular in the fields of cardiology, cancerology, developmental biology ; MDs and physicists. Max. 9 participants

Language : English or French depending on participants preference.

Scientific advisor / course leader : Gilles Renault (Université Paris Descartes)
Training manager : Vivienne Fardeau (INSTN), Tél : +33 1 69 08 54 88
Registration : Justine Norca (INSTN), CEA Saclay INSTN/SOLSS, PC 35, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, Tél. : +33 1 69 08 36 38

For further information, download the leaflet.

Chargement ...

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