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2014 06 19 EMBS International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging (Saint-Jacut de la Mer) - FLIFLI

2014 06 19 EMBS International Summer School on Biomedical Imaging (Saint-Jacut de la Mer)

Formation date : jeudi 19 juin 2014

Domaine : imagerie biomédicale toutes modalités

Public : étudiants en master et en thèse, post-docs, radiologues, biologistes, chercheurs et ingénieurs de l’industrie

Langue : anglais

Dates : bisannuel (19-27 juin 2014)

Durée : 9 jours

Description : For its 11th edition in 2014, a stronger emphasis will be given to the biological aspects of our scientific area as Professor Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin from Institut Pasteur is joining in as co-chair the founding chairs of the Summer School, Professors Jean-Louis Coatrieux and Christian Roux.

Extensive 6 hours lectures, seminars, and discussions are organized at the highest level, but with the freedom of spirit that is the tradition of Brittany. The school objective is to contribute without any exclusion to advances in a rapidly evolving field, and to foster participation in the adventure of research. It provides up-to-date, state-of-art knowledge on emerging areas and addresses important issues dealing with complex, multivariate systems, going from basic to applied research.

Site web :

Contact : Oscar Acosta

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