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2020/10/16 - Post doctorant.e - Nouvelles sondes IRM reposant sur un procédé innovant de fabrication additive - FLIFLI

Offres d'emploi

Date de l'annonce : vendredi 16 octobre 2020

Intitulé du poste : 2020/10/16 – Post doctorant.e – Nouvelles sondes IRM reposant sur un procédé innovant de fabrication additive

Type de structure : Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Villeurbanne France.

Simon Lambert,

Contexte et mission : Post-doctoral Fellow position for developing new family of MRI probe based on innovative additive manufacturing process.

A 2-years postdoctoral fellow position is available at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Villeurbanne France. The postdoctoral fellow will participate in a multi-disciplinary research program that develops novel MRI coils dedicated to tissue engineering 3D characterizationi. The postdoctoral fellow will work as part of different research groups ( AMPERE, 3DFAB and LGEF) as well as a group of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty and scientists in the AMPERE lab as many of the work will be developed on its “plastronic” platform.
Primary research area focus
1) Integrating monitoring devices for in vivo imaging of engineered tissue constructs: heating and gas administration systems, optical physiological sensor, smartly Interfacing RF coil and peripherals to control devices. Designing dedicated MRI coil for in vivo imaging could be necessary.
2) Imaging with one multifunctional “MRI probe”: coil characterization by imaging and comparison with measurements on bench. After validation of the MRI probe, the design will be replicated to be tested by non-expert on different platforms of the French network of in-vivo imaging.

All applicants will be expected to utilize and extend state-of-the-art MRI instrumentation to developed new tools to facilitate imaging of biological constructs in vivo. Specifically, the main tasks will involve coil design/fabrication, integration of peripherals such as piezo-actuators for magnetic resonance elastography, data collection, management and analysis, image post-processing, multi-parametric cohort analysis.

Lieu : Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Villeurbanne France.

Rémunération :

Diplômes requis :

Compétences requises :

Contact : Applicants should email a CV along with two references and recent research interests and activities to be sent to

Chargement ...

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